Let us develop new ideas about CLEVER company together

CLEVER company hackathon, the next stage of I3D

Objective:  To identify new approaches and user-friendly platforms to create a plant knowledge base (the digital memory of a company) to which I3D service inputs and outputs will be recorded

Hackathon rules: Open invitation for proposers to present their ideas and Knowledge base prototypes on a CLEVER company based on the assignment specified in the Hackathon site: https://clever-factory.devpost.com/. To avoid learning of a specifics company, the test company will be a commonly known Conference centre (with training, hotel, restaurant services). Proposals submitted will be presented to an evaluation committee on 7-9 May 2020. First 3 proposal will be honoured, and proposers will be invited to next stage of I3D development.

Location: The venue is the TeleDom Conference centre located in Kosice, Slovakia. Accommodation is free for proposers submitting eligible proposals by end March 2020

Additional information: Registered Hackathon participants will receive the descriptions key of key TeleDom company facilities, resources and services for scoping their knowledge base model. We are glad to answer your questions here.